
This year, 2016,  it’s 400 years since William Shakespeare died, and we wish you a very warm welcome to Musikvalvet Baggen and SEST’s celebration of the work of the world’s greatest playwright.


All the world’s a stage (As You Like It)

Richard Asker, Keith Foster, Kristina Leon, Helena Lewin, & Ingela Lundh.

 Being a Bardolator

Ruby Jand

 “Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose ‘Old English Round’

Richard Asker, Keith Foster, Kristina Leon, Helena Lewin, & Ingela Lundh.

(And the audience!)


Richard Asker

 Shakespearian insults

Richard Asker, Keith Foster, Kristina Leon, Helena Lewin, & Ingela Lundh.

 Women with ‘Will’ power

Ruby Jand

 Angry Shrews and Merry Wives

Kristina Leon, Helena Lewin & Ingela Lundh



Macbeth, Thane of Glamis and mighty Scottish warrior: Keith Foster

Banquo, a Thane and general of the Scottish army: Richard Asker

Lady Macbeth, Macbeth’s wife: Kristina Leon

Seyton, loyal servant of the Macbeths: Richard Asker

Macduff, Thane of Fife, counsellor to King Duncan: Richard Asker

Other parts: the company


Angry Shrews and Merry Wives direction & adaptation:

The company.

Angry Shrews and Merry Wives sound design:

Keith Foster & Ingela Lundh


Macbeth adaptation and direction:

Elisabeth Dahl of the Norwegian Shakespeare Company

Macbeth fight choreography:

Richard Asker

Macbeth sound design:

Hans Gunnar Hogström

Macbeth outside eye:

Ingela Lundh

Macbeth banquet music

Luca Pirero


Set design and props:

Samuele Caldognetto, Ingrid Pighini & Jenni Söderqvist.

Sound & light technicians:

Ingela Lundh and Keith Foster

Production assistant:

Jenni Söderqvist


Giusi Barbiani

Poster design:

Cecilia Gustafsson


Thanks to: Anja Liedtke (Stadsteatern), Stockholms Stad, Confidencen Folkuniversitetet, Ann-Christin Edblad and Annika Sterner (Musikvalvet) & Hilding Asker


A SEST/Words in Action co-production