Blog - 34 posts

Shakespeare at Parkteatern!



Parkteatern - Galärvarvet

Sweaty, tired but happy after our dress rehearsal of Shakespeare in the Park at Parkteatern (Galärvarvet, Djurgården)!

We perform Thur, Fri, Sat at 6.30 p.m. and expect anything from 10 to 3000 people to show up, there is no way of knowing:-) We hope to see your pretty little faces there! /Sam, Kristina, Ingela, Cheryl

Hey Ho, the wind and the rain…



Don’t like to talk to talk about the weather. As Mark Twain said: Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. But this is silly! We are anxiously following the weather reports and hoping for the best for opening night at Hallwylska. Last week we attended the opening night of Parkteatern’s ‘Fröken Fleggmans Mustasch’ in Vitabergsparken which was cancelled due to rain. Plenty of bubbly though for this summer’s participants and the brave audience in a tent (sorry marquee) next to the stage! They are a great bunch of people.

So where are we at? We are rehearsing, twisting tongues, practicing costume changes (the real spectacle will be acted out backstage but there will be no common tearing of velcro and we will all be wearing period undergarments, naturally.) Our focus is now on nuances, details and the flow of the whole play. We are also happy that the word about us and our play is spreading (we made it to regional TV!) and we are getting emails from far and near. Also look out for an article about us in The Local next week!